Pricing Plan

Discover the perfect plan for your Web3 service
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Find the perfect plantailored for your Web3 service.

Explore the overall functionality of Wepin Wallet and Workspace in a testnet environment—seamlessly review, test, and integrate before going live!

Up to 1,000 Monthly Active Wallets
Start Now
Testnet integration only
Widget integration support
Custom social login support
Advanced wallet user statistics and analytics
NFT additional features support
Support for 1 service (App)
Testnet integration, onboarding, and technical support

A perfect plan for startups or new services looking to get started seamlessly.

Up to 1,000,000 Monthly Active Wallets
Talk to Sales
Widget SDK integration support
Custom social login support
Basic user statistics and data analysis
Support for 1 service (App)
Wallet integration and onboarding support

A premium plan built for enterprises! Define on-chain active wallets with flexibility, access exclusive features, and scale effortlessly with a customized pricing model tailored to your business growth.

Customized plan for Business
Plan Feature Details
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Free Plan
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Basic Plan
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Standard Plan
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Pro Plan
  • Monthly Active Wallets (MAW) to be discussed
  • Social Login Support
  • Email Login Support
  • Unified wallet login support
  • Multi-mainnet support (EVM and Non-EVM)
  • Account abstraction (Sponsor gas fee)
  • Web and mobile widget SDK Support
  • Library and RESTful API support
  • Basic user statistics and data analysis
  • Advanced user statistics and data analysis
  • Team account support
  • Support unlimited services (App)
  • NFT Minting
  • Smart contract creation and management
  • Wallet integration and onboarding support
  • Technical support through channels
  • Support for custom social logins
  • Support for mainnets of your choice
  • Customizable color, layout, logo
  • Language support (Korean, English, Japanese)
월간 활성 지갑 (MAW)
별도 문의
Monthly Active Wallets (MAW)
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User Authentication
User Authentication
소셜 로그인 (구글, 애플, 네이버, 디스코드) 지원
소셜 로그인 (구글, 애플, 네이버, 디스코드) 지원
Social login support
Email login support
Unified wallet login support
지갑 로그인 일원화 지원
지갑 로그인 일원화 지원
blockchain wallet
멀티 메인넷 지원 (EVM 및 Non-EVM 포함)
계정 추상화 (가스비 대납)
유료 부가서비스
멀티 메인넷 지원 (EVM 및 Non-EVM 포함)
테스트넷 Only
Multi-mainnet support (EVM and Non-EVM)
Testnet Only
Account abstraction (Sponsor gas fee)
Paid add-on Service
wallet platform
웹, 모바일 위젯 SDK 지원
웹, 모바일 위젯 SDK 지원
Web and mobile widget SDK support
Library and RESTful API support
기본 지갑 사용자 통계 및 데이터 분석
Basic user statistics and data analysis
기본 지갑 사용자 통계 및 데이터 분석
Advanced user statistics and data analysis
팀계정 지원
팀계정 지원
Team account support
Number of supported services (apps)
NFT Minting
NFT 민팅
NFT Minting
NFT Smart contract creation and management
NFT 민팅
Technical support
Technical Support
지갑 연동 및 온보딩 지원
지갑 연동 및 온보딩 지원
Wallet integration and onboarding support
Technical support through channels
Support for custom social logins
No additional cost
원하는 소셜 로그인 추가 지원
별도 비용 없음
Support for mainnets of your choice
No additional cost
원하는 메인넷 추가 지원
별도 비용 없음
원하는 소셜 로그인 추가 지원
(별도 비용 없음)
Custom widget
Custom Widget
위젯 컬러, 자산 레이아웃, 로고 이미지 변경
위젯 컬러, 자산 레이아웃, 로고 이미지 변경
Customizable color, layout, logo
Language support (Korean, English, Japanese)
기업용 Web3 지갑
솔루션, 위핀

위핀은 고객사의 Web3 프로덕트를 원활하게구축하고 확장할 수 있도록 지원합니다.

위핀 도입문의
기업용 Web3 지갑
솔루션, 위핀

위핀은 고객사의 Web3 프로덕트를 원활하게구축하고 확장할 수 있도록 지원합니다.

위핀 도입문의
기업용 Web3 지갑
솔루션, 위핀

위핀은 고객사의 Web3 프로덕트를 원활하게구축하고 확장할 수 있도록 지원합니다.

위핀 도입문의
Enterprise Web3 Wallet Solution, WEPIN
WEPIN supports smooth development and scaling of clients' Web3 products.
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Enterprise Web3 Wallet Solution, WEPIN

WEPIN supports smooth development and scaling of clients' Web3 products.

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