Use Case

Blockchain Career and Reputation Management: Careerzen and WEPIN Wallet


Author: Jiyun Kyung, Business Development (


  • CareerZen is a blockchain-based innovative career management platform that overcomes the limitations of traditional resumes and effectively expresses individual capabilities.
  • It evaluates and objectively verifies professionals' abilities from multiple angles through digital certificates, a reputation system, and reputation reports.
  • The 'Club' feature certifies activities of various organizations and communities, supporting the expansion of professional networks.
  • Integration with the Wepin wallet provides a user-friendly Web3 experience, lowering the entry barrier to blockchain technology.

1. Introduction

1.1 The Changing World of Work and New Paradigm of Career Management

The concept of 'career' is rapidly changing in modern society. The era of spending a lifetime in one workplace has passed, and individual expertise and diverse experiences have become more important. This change is accelerating due to various factors and demands innovative changes in how professionals manage their careers.

  • Rapid technological advancement: The development of artificial intelligence (AI) and automation technologies is significantly changing the labor market. While many jobs are disappearing or transforming, new jobs are constantly emerging. In this environment, professionals face the challenge of continuously updating their skills and acquiring new technologies.
  • Increase in flexible work arrangements: With the popularization of various work formats such as remote work, freelancing, and contract work, jobs that deviate from traditional employment relationships are increasing. The new career paradigm provides individuals with more freedom and choices, but also increases the responsibility to effectively manage and prove their expertise and career.
  • Need for lifelong learning: Continuous learning and competency development have become essential to adapt to rapidly changing environments. There is a need for ways to officially recognize and prove learning experiences even after university graduation.
  • Normalization of career transitions: As transitions from one field to another become more common, career patterns that cross various industries and job roles are becoming general. Diverse career paths provide opportunities to showcase an individual's versatility, but also present the challenge of effectively proving performance and competencies at each career stage.

In this changing environment, professionals need new ways to effectively manage and prove their careers. This applies not only to freelancers but also to employees considering job changes and people attempting to enter new fields.

1.2 Blockchain and Web3: Game Changers in Credential Verification

Traditional resumes or paper certificates have become insufficient to fully express an individual's diverse experiences and capabilities, and ensuring their credibility has become an increasingly important issue. Here, blockchain technology is gaining attention as a new solution. Blockchain is a distributed database technology that ensures data integrity and reliability. Applying blockchain to career management can bring about the following innovative changes:

  • Reliable career verification: Information recorded on the blockchain is immutable and anyone can verify its authenticity. Blockchain-based authentication systems allow for reliable verification of career information such as degrees, certifications, and project experiences.
  • Real-time updates: Blockchain-based career management systems enable real-time addition and verification of new experiences or achievements. Digital portfolio systems can maintain the most up-to-date information and effectively show career evolution.
  • Global standardization: Blockchain technology enables global standardization of career information. The introduction of global certification standards allows recognition of expertise beyond national or institutional boundaries, promoting international talent mobility.
  • Enhanced personal data sovereignty: Blockchain technology allows individuals to have full control over their data. They can selectively disclose necessary information and prevent unnecessary exposure of personal information.
  • Automation through smart contracts: Utilizing the smart contract functionality of blockchain, automated career management becomes possible, such as automatic issuance or updating of certificates when certain conditions are met.

2. Careenzen: A Portfolio Service for Enhancing Personal Branding

2.1 Introduction to Careenzen

Careenzen: A personal branding service that creates digital certificates for the experiences and expertise of professionals in various fields <Source: Careenzen>

Careenzen is an innovative personal branding service for experts in various fields. In modern society, where effectively managing and expressing one's career and expertise has become more important than ever, Careenzen provides a groundbreaking solution that meets these contemporary demands.

The core of this platform is to convert an individual's diverse experiences and expertise into digital certificates, enabling systematic management and effective expression. It composes all professional experiences of an individual, such as project participation history, education completion records, and award histories, into an integrated digital profile, making the user's true value shine.

2.2 Blockchain-based Digital Certificates

Example of digital certificates issued by Careenzen <Source: Careenzen>

One of Careenzen's core features is the issuance of digital certificates using blockchain technology. These digital certificates are created as NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) or SBTs (Soulbound Tokens) utilizing blockchain. These digital certificates enable permanent and reliable authentication while minimizing the risk of personal information exposure.

  • Career verification digital certificates: Completion certificates, degrees, qualifications, awards, employment certificates, etc.
  • Certificates for sale: Membership cards, tickets, digital goods, etc.

These digital certificates surpass the limitations of traditional paper documents, serving as highly reliable proof that can be instantly verified anytime, anywhere, and are impossible to forge.

2.3 Project Manager and Peer Reputation

Performance evaluation, essential information for generating reputation-based personal competency reports <Source: Careenzen>

Careenzen provides functions for practical competency assessment beyond simple career management. One of these is the project peer reputation system. Through a mutual evaluation feature, colleagues who have worked together on projects can leave assessments of each other's abilities and collaboration skills. Reputation writers are typically collaborating colleagues, colleagues performing the same job, etc. This peer reputation system becomes an important indicator that can objectively show an individual's actual work abilities and teamwork skills, which are difficult to grasp from simple career details.

Along with peer reputation, evaluation from project managers is also an important element. Careenzen provides a system where managerial personnel such as project leaders, team leaders, clients, executives, and CEOs can evaluate a professional's abilities. Manager reputation writers typically range from project leaders to team leaders, clients, executives, and CEOs, providing valuable opportunities for comprehensive evaluation of a professional's leadership, project management skills, and client response abilities.

2.4 Reputation Report: Comprehensive Competency Assessment

Sample version of the reputation report issued by Careenzen <Source: Careenzen>

Another core feature of Careenzen, the reputation report, is a tool that comprehensively evaluates and visualizes a professional's various competencies. This report includes elements such as technical expertise, communication skills, collaboration abilities, work tendencies, the professional's strengths, and areas needing improvement.

The reputation report is compiled by synthesizing peer and manager reputations, serving as a powerful tool that objectively and multi-dimensionally shows a professional's actual work performance capabilities. This career verification system not only serves as an indicator for the professional's own growth but also becomes a means to effectively convey the professional's actual competencies to potential employers or clients.

Through this, clients can more accurately grasp a candidate's actual work abilities, objectively confirm project experiences and achievements, verify from multiple angles through peer and manager evaluations, and immediately confirm qualifications through digital certificates. These features greatly enhance the efficiency of the hiring process and help in finding more suitable talent.

2.5 Club: Community Activity Certification and Strengthening Sense of Belonging

Blockchain Unraveling Study (Blpas) established on Careenzen <Source: Careenzen>

Careenzen integrates various organizations and communities into the platform through the concept of 'Clubs'. Clubs encompass all operating entities related to an individual's career, such as schools, companies, communities, academic societies, and certification institutions.

Digital certificates that can be distributed to club members <Source: Careenzen>

If you want to apply digital certificates, you can create them through Careenzen's club and distribute them to club members, enabling certification of various activities or careers. Additionally, through missions, you can allocate detailed tasks, attendance checks, and performance of members with specific missions and scores. You can also set digital certificates as rewards based on benchmark scores and automatically provide rewards when missions are accomplished.

Through clubs, each organization can issue digital certificates for certifying members' educational achievements, recording performances, issuing qualifications, and community activities. Moreover, they can strengthen members' sense of belonging and pride through digital goods. This approach goes beyond simple career management to strengthen bonds between individuals and organizations and greatly helps in expanding professional networks.

3. Digital Credential Management with Wepin Wallet

3.1 Wepin Wallet Integrated with Careenzen

Easy wallet connection through social login integrated and provided with Careenzen <Source: Careenzen>

The Wepin wallet is a Wallet-as-a-Service (WaaS) solution perfectly integrated with the Careenzen service. Wepin, an enterprise wallet service, is a key tool that allows Careenzen professionals to safely store and efficiently manage their digital certificates.

In particular, Wepin, with its user-friendly UX and natural connection to the service, functions as a platform that comprehensively manages users' digital identities and careers beyond being a simple repository. Through this, Careenzen users can easily obtain digital credentials through Careenzen even if they are not well-versed in blockchain and Web3.

3.2 Enhancing User Experience through Wepin Wallet Integration

Structure enabling the completion of one's own blockchain profile using digital certificates and avatars <Source: Careenzen>

The process of using the Wepin wallet on Careenzen is very simple. This is because Wepin supports easy login through social accounts, just like existing Web2 services. The complicated installation and registration process of existing Web3 wallets is eliminated, significantly lowering the entry barrier. After connecting the wallet, you can view at a glance the digital certificates issued by Careenzen. Through intuitive and user-friendly UI/UX, even users with no Web3 experience can use the service and manage digital certificates without inconvenience.

4. Conclusion

In the rapidly changing modern society, the way individuals manage their careers and prove their expertise is changing dramatically. Careenzen responds to these changes by providing an innovative career management platform utilizing blockchain technology. Through digital certificates, peer and manager reputation systems, comprehensive reputation reports, and club features that certify community activities, Careenzen enables professionals to manage and prove their competencies and experiences more effectively.

In particular, perfect integration with the Wepin wallet greatly enhances the user experience, allowing users unfamiliar with blockchain technology to easily utilize digital credentials.Careenzen goes beyond being a simple career management tool to become an innovative platform that newly defines and expresses individual expertise and potential. It supports professionals in maximizing their value and creating new opportunities in the changing world of work. This will contribute to promoting individual growth and development while enhancing the efficiency and transparency of the labor market.

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