
Crypto Wallet Evolution: From Embedded to Branded, Future of Integration


Author: Jiyun Kyung, Business Development (


  • Crypto wallet integration aims to improve user experience, increase asset management efficiency, enhance Web3 ecosystem accessibility, and strengthen security.
  • Six approaches for integrating embedded wallets and branded wallets have been proposed, each with its own advantages and disadvantages.
  • Future crypto wallets are expected to focus on user-centric design, regulatory compliance, and application of new technologies (AA, AI, privacy protection technologies, etc.).
  • Crypto wallet integration is a process of creating a new paradigm for digital asset management beyond simple technological advancement.

1. Introduction

1.1 Current State and Challenges of Crypto Wallets

The crypto wallet ecosystem is rapidly evolving. With the explosive growth of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies, the importance of tools for safely storing and managing digital assets is becoming more prominent. In this context, crypto wallets have become a core gateway to the Web3 ecosystem beyond simple storage means.

Currently, the crypto wallet market is full of various types of solutions. From hardware wallets, software wallets, mobile wallets, to recently embedded wallets in web applications, users have a wide range of options to choose from according to their needs.

However, this diversity is creating new challenges:First, the issue of consistency in user experience. The reality of having to use different wallets on various platforms and applications can be confusing for users.Second, security issues. Having to manage multiple wallets can complicate the management of private keys or seed phrases, increasing security risks.Third, the issue of interoperability. Asset transfer or function linkage between different wallets may not be smooth.

1.2. Definition of Embedded Wallets and Branded Wallets

Against this background, the concepts of embedded wallets and branded wallets are gaining new attention in the industry.

Embedded wallets are wallets built into specific applications or services, allowing users to manage digital assets within the service without installing a separate wallet. They greatly improve user experience and contribute to lowering the entry barrier to Web3 services.

On the other hand, branded wallets refer to wallets provided as independent applications, such as MetaMask, Rabby Wallet, Phantom, and Coinbase Wallet. These offer richer features and wider compatibility and are widely used in the crypto ecosystem. Branded wallets support various blockchains and DApps, providing users with more control and flexibility.

Embedded wallets and branded wallets each have their own advantages and disadvantages. Embedded wallets are convenient to use and highly accessible, but may have limitations in functionality or be dependent on specific services. Branded wallets provide extensive functionality and compatibility, but may have entry barriers as users need to install and manage them separately.

In this situation, the crypto industry is contemplating how to effectively integrate and complement these two types of wallets. It's an important task that can improve overall user experience, security, and accessibility to the Web3 ecosystem beyond simply technical issues.

2. The Need for Crypto Wallet Integration

2.1 Improving User Experience

The biggest motivation for crypto wallet integration is a dramatic improvement in user experience. Currently, many users are experiencing the inconvenience of having to manage multiple wallets. An integrated wallet system can solve this problem.

Users can manage all digital assets through a single integrated interface, eliminating the hassle of switching wallets when transitioning between services. This is particularly important for cryptocurrency beginners, as the complex wallet management process is one of the main barriers to entering the Web3 ecosystem.

Moreover, an integrated wallet system provides consistency in user interface. Users can enjoy the same user experience across multiple platforms, making the learning curve smoother and increasing overall user satisfaction.

2.2 Efficiency in Asset Management

Wallet integration greatly improves the efficiency of asset management. In an integrated wallet system, all assets can be viewed at a glance, enabling more effective portfolio management.

The efficiency of asset transfer also increases. Currently, asset transfer between different types of wallets requires a complex process, with the risk of asset loss due to mistakes. In an integrated wallet system, this risk is greatly reduced, and asset transfer becomes simpler and safer.

Additionally, an integrated system facilitates asset tracking and record management. This can be of great help in future taxation or investment portfolio and financial planning, and allows for more sophisticated strategy formulation for professional investors.

2.3 Enhancing Accessibility to the Web3 Ecosystem

Wallet integration can greatly enhance the accessibility of the entire Web3 ecosystem. An integrated wallet system allows users to more easily access various Web3 services.

An integrated system that combines the convenience of embedded wallets and the diverse functions of branded wallets can meet the needs of all user groups, from beginners to experts. As a result, it can increase the adoption rate of Web3 services and accelerate the growth of the entire ecosystem.

Moreover, an integrated wallet system can improve cross-chain interoperability. Currently, asset transfer or interaction between different blockchain networks can be complex and risky, but in an integrated system, this process can become more intuitive and safe.

2.4 Strengthening Security

Wallet integration also provides great benefits in terms of security. In an integrated wallet system, security management is centralized, allowing users to protect their assets more easily and effectively.

A single wallet system can implement stronger security mechanisms, and users can also pay more attention to one system. Also, an integrated system makes it easier to implement and use advanced security features such as multi-signature functionality, account abstraction, and social recovery.

2.5 Regulatory Compliance and Promoting Innovation

An integrated wallet system can make regulatory compliance easier. By going through KYC (Know Your Customer) and AML (Anti-Money Laundering) procedures only once for use across multiple services, it can reduce user inconvenience and alleviate the regulatory compliance burden for service providers.

Lastly, wallet integration can promote new innovation. An integrated platform provides developers with a wider field for experimentation, making it easier to implement cross-chain DApps, complex financial services, and more advanced forms of digital identity solutions. It also facilitates the application of big data analysis and AI technology, laying the foundation for providing more personalized and intelligent services to users.

3. Embedded Wallets and Branded Wallets: 6 Integration Methods

Crypto wallet integration can be approached in various ways. Here, we briefly explain the main approaches to connecting or integrating embedded wallets and branded wallets.

3.1 Wallet Expansion through Key Replication

In this method, users start with an embedded wallet, replicate their private key or mnemonic phrase, and import it into a branded wallet like MetaMask or Phantom. The main advantage of this approach is that users can continue to use the embedded wallet even after replicating the key. It provides flexibility to users, allowing them to continue utilizing the functions of embedded wallets specialized for specific services or applications while also using the additional features of branded wallets.

However, this method has significant drawbacks. Directly handling private keys involves considerable security risks. Users must take full responsibility for key management, and there's a risk of losing all assets if the key is exposed or lost.

Moreover, for many general users, managing private keys can be a complex and burdensome process. Therefore, if this method is adopted, it's essential to provide user education and clear guidelines on safe key management methods.

3.2 Utilizing Universal Connection Protocols

In this approach, universal connection protocols like WalletConnect are added to embedded wallets to enable connections with various third-party sites. The advantage of this method is that users can access multiple services through a familiar interface.

It also provides connectivity to the broader Web3 ecosystem while maintaining the convenience of embedded wallets. However, this method also has some drawbacks. Users still need to manage multiple wallets, and the concept of universal connection protocols may be unfamiliar to some users. This could act as a barrier to new user inflow, thus requiring a clear and user-friendly onboarding process.

3.3 Seamless Asset Transfer Functionality

This method involves "exporting" assets from embedded wallets to branded wallets. The biggest advantage of this approach is that users can move assets quickly and easily. It can be particularly useful for users who start with embedded wallets and gradually need more complex functions. By moving from embedded wallets to branded wallets, users can access more diverse functions and dApps beyond the services where the embedded wallet is built-in.

However, the main drawback of this method is that the utility of the embedded wallet significantly decreases after asset transfer. This ultimately means that users may no longer be able to utilize the unique functions of embedded wallets associated with specific services or applications. Also, there's a risk of loss due to mistakes during the asset transfer process. This can be a significant burden, especially for users unfamiliar with cryptocurrencies. Therefore, if this method is adopted, it's important to design a safe and user-friendly asset transfer process.

3.4 Brand + Embedded Wallet

This approach involves embedded wallets also having some functions of branded wallets. As a result, users can log in to both embedded and branded wallets with the same credentials.

The biggest advantage of this method is that user-friendly authentication methods like email or social login can be used everywhere. This can greatly lower the entry barrier for Web2 users into Web3. Also, by providing a consistent user experience, it can reduce user confusion and increase overall satisfaction.

However, this approach comes with significant technical challenges. Implementing all the functions of branded wallets in embedded wallets can be a complex and time-consuming process. Also, compatibility issues with existing branded wallets may arise, potentially affecting interoperability with the entire ecosystem. Therefore, if this method is adopted, a long-term development plan and continuous maintenance strategy are necessary.

3.5 Connecting/Disconnecting Signers in AA Wallets

The method of connecting/disconnecting signers in AA wallets provides users with more flexible and powerful wallet management options. In this approach, users start with an embedded wallet equipped with Account Abstraction (AA) functionality.

The key to this method is that users can add other wallets, for example, branded wallets like MetaMask or Coinbase Wallet, as 'signers' to their AA embedded wallet. It's similar to adding a co-signer to a bank account. Through the signature of the added wallet, users gain the authority to view the assets of the embedded wallet and approve or execute transactions as needed.

The great advantage of this method is that users can flexibly connect and manage multiple wallets as needed. For example, users can use a simple embedded wallet for daily transactions and use an added branded wallet for approval of more complex or important transactions. Also, this connection can be disconnected at any time, securing both security and flexibility.

However, this approach also faces some challenges. The biggest issue is that not many wallets currently support this function. AA is a relatively new concept, and many existing wallets need significant upgrades to implement this function. Also, the concept and usage method of AA may seem somewhat complex to general users, requiring user education and interface improvements for widespread adoption.

3.6 Wallet Management through a Centralized Hub

In this approach, platforms like Farcaster track and manage multiple embedded wallets of users. The wallets are separate but all managed on one platform through a centralized profile.

The main advantage of this method is that users can effectively manage multiple wallets through a single interface. Also, by utilizing popular platforms like SocialFi, it can provide users with a familiar environment.

However, this approach may raise security and privacy issues due to high dependence on a centralized hub. Therefore, if this method is adopted, strong security mechanisms and user data protection policies should be implemented together.

4. The Future of Crypto Wallet Integration: Trends and Predictions

4.1 Importance of User-Centric Design

The future of crypto wallets will greatly depend on user-centric design. Currently, many wallets are designed primarily for tech-savvy users, but in the future, intuitive interfaces that can accommodate a wider user base will be needed.

Social login integration, simplified onboarding processes, and user interfaces using everyday terms are expected to become more common. At the same time, a dual approach that also provides options for professional users who need advanced features will become mainstream. This will be able to meet the needs of all users from beginners to experts.

4.2 Role of Regulation and Standardization

Regulation and standardization will have a significant impact on the future of crypto wallet integration. It is expected that clearer regulatory frameworks will be created, which can be an opportunity to increase the industry's credibility and promote wider adoption.

Compliance with KYC (Know Your Customer) and AML (Anti-Money Laundering) regulations will become particularly important. Accordingly, user identity verification and transaction monitoring functions are likely to be more deeply integrated into wallets. At the same time, balancing user privacy protection and regulatory compliance will be a major challenge.

In terms of standardization, efforts to increase interoperability between various blockchains and wallets will continue. This will play an important role in enabling users to manage assets from multiple blockchains through a single wallet interface.

4.3 Impact of New Technologies

The development of new technologies such as Account Abstraction (AA), AI and machine learning, and privacy protection technologies will shape the future of crypto wallets.

With the introduction of AA, as smart contract-based wallets become popularized, more complex and useful features such as multi-signature transactions, social recovery, and gasless transactions can be implemented.

As many experts predict, AI and machine learning will be used for anomaly detection, personalized investment advice, automated portfolio management, etc., and AI-based chatbots or assistants can provide effective user support and education.

Privacy protection technologies such as Decentralized Identity (DID) and zero-knowledge proofs will allow necessary information to be verified while protecting user privacy.

These technological advancements will greatly expand the functionality of crypto wallets, improve user experience, and contribute to enhancing security. At the same time, they will accelerate the popularization of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology, and ultimately play an important role in redefining the future of finance.

Of course, to successfully implement these changes, it will be important to carefully balance technical challenges, regulatory requirements, and user needs. Crypto wallet providers will need to continuously pursue innovation considering these various factors.

5. Conclusion

The evolution of crypto wallets is a key element shaping the future of the entire blockchain ecosystem beyond simple technological advancement. The integration of embedded wallets and branded wallets is opening new horizons in user experience, security, and functionality.

In this process of integration, we can gain several important insights.

First, the balance between technological advancement and user needs is important. No matter how innovative a technology is, its value will be limited if users cannot easily understand and use it.

Second, security and convenience should be approached as complementary elements rather than trade-offs. Good examples are biometric technology or AI-based anomaly detection, which can enhance security while improving user experience.

Third, harmony with regulations is an unavoidable challenge. However, this challenge can be seen as an opportunity rather than a threat. Proper regulatory compliance can increase the industry's credibility and promote the inflow of a wider user base.

Fourth, interoperability will become increasingly important. Smooth connections between various blockchains and services will provide greater value to users and promote the growth of the entire ecosystem.

Lastly, the importance of continuous innovation and learning. The blockchain technology and cryptocurrency market are rapidly changing. To succeed in this environment, constant learning and adaptation are necessary.

The integration of crypto wallets means more than simply combining two types of wallets. It is ultimately a process of creating a new paradigm for digital asset management, and further, an important step in redefining the financial system of the future.

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